Using the PsrSigSim
we "sonified" pulsars by turning the arrays of pulsar signals into audio files.
Arrays of pulsar data can be turned directly into audio files. While the radio pulses from pulsars are obvioulsy electromagnetic radiation, and not sound waves, presenting the data in this form gives people a more visceral experience for the rotational velocity of these relativistic objects. We present audio files at the real spin frequency of the pulsar and 1/10th of the spin frequency.
PSR J1713+0747 at real spin frequency (218Hz):PSR J1713+0747 at 1/10 spin frequency (22Hz):
When one disperses the pulses from a pulsar the higher frequency parts of the signal arrive before the lower frequency components. In sound this gives the familiar "pew-pew" sound effect of blasters in Star Wars.
PSR J1713+0747 at 1/10 speed, dispersed.:PSR J1713+0747 at 218 bpm, dispersed.: